Antique wood luxury antique chairs for living room furniture modern

Published by Jakey Chan December 06,2022

We’ve got some news: antiques are rising in popularity. Mid-century modern has been the trendy, vintage-inspired style on the block for a long time. But recently, traditional design has been re-entering the spotlight, as more people are looking for comfort in the familiar. And, along with a resurgence of traditional design has come a renewed interest in antique furniture!

So many people have antique furniture passed down to them and have no idea how to incorporate pieces into their homes. So they put them in the garage to collect dust. Or they place them in a random corner of the house, hoping nobody will notice how out of place it looks. But we say it’s time to embrace—and perhaps even seek out—antique furniture in your home! They add story and character to your home, plus give you something unique that you can’t just go out and buy from any old store!

Aside from being a unique piece of furniture, antiques also have a sustainability component that resonates with a lot of people. Since these pieces have already been produced and are still in use, they have a much smaller carbon footprint than brand-new furniture. And they also tend to be more affordable than a lot of new furniture. Of course, it depends on the piece, but in general, since antiques are less popular, prices are lower. And, considering the age of antique furniture, you can feel confident in the quality with which they were made. These are pieces you wont’ need to replace in a few years, which adds to antique furniture’s element of sustainability.